Weather station

Because of the centrality of climate in agriculture, information on the state of the weather is a fundamental part of decision-making. Modern agriculture requires precise and constantly updated weather information to guide production processes and enable the farmer to be prepared and able to react when necessary. The ARVUM weather stations allow the calculation of reference evapotranspiration (ETo), cold hours’ models, daytime degrees, risk of freezing and diseases, … Similarly, they provide real-time information, allowing the calculation of the crop and farm water needs and provide models for the risk of occurrence of diseases and pests.

Measuring environmental and climatic parameters

  • Solar radiation
  • Precipitation
  • Temperature and humidity
  • Atmospheric pressure
  • Speed ​​and direction of the wind
  • Calculation of evapotranspiration
  • Calculation of cold hours
  • Risk of freezing
rain gauge
rain gauge

rain gauge with a resolution of 0.2 mm

sensor (humidity  barometer)
sensor (humidity barometer)

sensor of temperature, humidity and atmospheric pressure


measures the direction and measurement of the air


sensor that measures the flux density of PVR solar radiation

Leaf moisture sensor
Leaf moisture sensor

Leaf moisture sensor.

NDVI sensor
NDVI sensor

Leaf moisture sensor.

Smart water point

Monitoring soil moister for a long time is a practical and effective way to measure irrigation efficiency and use. ARVUM’s sensors monitor the evolution of moister and other parameters of agricultural importance. (temperature and electrical conductivity) length of the entire irrigation bulb, both in depth and in width. The data, permanently supplied by the sensors, allows a better management of the water and an effective management of the fertilizers.

– Capacitive probes
– Sphygmomanometers
– Measurement of useful and available water for the plant
– Field capacity and permanent wilting point
– Water meter
– Measurement of the evolution of salts in the bulb (EC of the bulb)
– Measurement of the electrical conductivity of irrigation water

Precise measurement of soil moisture

  • Field capacity and permanent wilting point
  • Start and end date of the risks
  • Rhythm and depth of water absorption by the plant
  • Water stress situations
  • Balance of water on the ground
  • Movement of water in the profile
  • CE of the irrigation bulb
  • Infiltration, groundwater and runoff problems
  • Floor temperature
capacitive sensor
capacitive sensor

measures moisture in the soil

Hydroponic Capacitive Probe
Hydroponic Capacitive Probe

Moisture Probe: Measures Moisture in the Substrate

capacitive probe pots
capacitive probe pots

moisture sensor: measures moisture in crops with low soil volume or pots

Hydroponic capacitive probe + EC + Tª
Hydroponic capacitive probe + EC + Tª

humidity probe: measures the humidity in the substrate, at temperature and electrical conductivity

captive probe + EC + Tª
captive probe + EC + Tª

measures soil moisture, temperature and electrical conductivity


measures the water potential of the soil, without need of maintenance and temperature at any depth and without being affected by the salinity.

EC sensor
EC sensor

Conducti metre sprinkler. Measure the EC at the dropper level

multijet meter
multijet meter

volumetric meter. Adaptable to dripper lines. Connectable to the datalogger

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